- 預設port: 5485
- mode: PASV
Query syntax
QUERY <SP> <offset> <SP> <max> <SP> <match_case> <SP> <match_whole_word> <SP> <match_path> <SP> <search_string> <CRLF>
- offset is the scroll bar offset (use 0 for all items)
- max is the maximum number of visible items in the list. (use 0xffffffff for all items)
- match_case can be non-zero for enabled, zero for disabled.
- match_wholeword can be non-zero for enabled, zero for disabled.
- match_path can be non-zero for enabled, zero for disabled.
- search_string can be any number of parameters.
Query reply
200 <SP> <offset> <SP> <count> <SP> <numfolders> <SP> <numfiles> <CRLF>
- offset is the index offset of the first result.
- count is the number of results that follow
- numfolders is the total number of folders.
- numfiles is the total number of files.
<full_path_name> <CRLF>
- full path and file name of folder or file
Python Example Code
def search(q, maxResult=1000, match_case=False, match_whole_word=False, match_path=True):
# Query
cmd = "QUERY 0 %d %d %d %d %s"%(maxResult, match_case, match_whole_word, match_path, q)
# Query response offset control
resp = ftp.sendcmd(cmd)
code, offset, count, numfolders, numfiles = resp.split()
results = []
for i in range(int(count)):
line = ftp.getmultiline().decode("UTF-8")
return int(numfolders), int(numfiles), results